KOICA Azerbaijan Office held Knowledge Sharing Seminar on the Sharing Korean Experience in the Immigration Service Management sector in cooperation with State Migration Service +PHOTO=8

KOICA Azerbaijan Office held Knowledge Sharing Seminar on the “Sharing Korean Experience in the Immigration Service Management sector” in cooperation with State Migration Service +PHOTO=8

On October 19, 2021, the Knowledge Sharing Seminar was held in cooperation with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Office in Azerbaijan and State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the “Sharing Korean Experience in the Immigration Service Management sector”, based on the full content of the Training titled “Capacity Building for Immigration Service Management” in 2017-2019, by bringing together more than 10 professionals from a variety of different departments of State Migration Service.
Due to the ongoing situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic the Seminar was attended by only 10 participants following safety measures of the Repulbic of Azerbaijan concerning the health of the presenters and seminar participants.
On behalf of KOICA Azerbaijan Office, Program Coordinator - Ms. Parvin Garazada highlighted that the Training Program aimed to increase capacities of participants on understanding of Korea’s information immigration control system and Korean Immigration Act, seeking appropriate steps to resolve problems and set up more effective immigration service management system. It was noted that Korean Government has continued to develop e-government and Management System. Although, each country has its own unique culture, studying Korean cases in management sector will let to create the more advanced system without making the same failure cases again.
In return, Mr.Vahid Gahramanov, Chief of Migration Policy and Legal Support Head of Department SMS, paid His gratitude to the Korean government on behalf of Azerbaijan Government for offering such Program for them and pledged to strengthen existing friendship and cooperation ties between two Governments. Mr. Vahid also stated that the COVID-19 crisis has brought new demands for management and digital government services and emphasized that employees in the Service were mobilized and engaged in designing new applications and services to meet increasing demand on public services during COVID-19 pandemic.
The Seminar continued with the presentations of KOICA fellow Mr.Vahid Gahramanov on the Sharing Korean Experience in the Immigration Service Management sector and Current Application Methods of the Training in Azerbaijan. The seminar offered great opportunity to those who could not participate the training in Korea.
The three-year KOICA Training Program on “Capacity Building for Immigration Service Management’ officials” was held in the Republic of Korea during 2017-2019 years for 14 officials of the State Migration Service and other related governmental organizations within the framework of the Grant Aid Program.


 ( Sos.şəbəkədə gedən yazışmanin FOTO-ƏKSİndə olan qramatik və məzmun səhvlərinə görə redaksiya məsuliyyət daşımır ) 
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