Bu xəbəri paylaş
The paper coauthored by the chief researcher of the Institute of Applied Mathematics Baku State University, Corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev within the I Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition was published. The paper was published in 1.219 higher impact factor journal “Journal of Mathematical Inequalities” ( reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base of category Q2.
In the paper entitled “Generalized weighted Sobolev–Morrey estimates for hypoelliptic operators on homogeneous groups” for the some class of hypoelliptic operators on homogeneous groups we obtain the generalized weighted Sobolev– Morrey estimates by establishing boundedness of sublinear operators generated by Calderón–Zygmund operators and generated by the fractional integral operator on generalized weighted Morrey spaces in the framework of homogeneous groups. The sublinear operators under consideration contain integral operators of harmonic analysis such as Hardy–Littlewood and fractional maximal operators, Calderón– Zygmund operators, potential operators on homogeneous groups, etc.
See the following link to read the paper:
Bu xəbəri paylaş