A remembrance ceremony of the National Hero Albert Agarunov was held +PHOTO=7

A remembrance ceremony of the National Hero Albert Agarunov was held +PHOTO=7

On April 25, the Ministry of Defense, Narimanov District Executive Power, the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, the Veteran Tankmen Public Union, and the Baku Religious Community of Mountain Jews jointly organized a remembrance ceremony on the occasion of the birthday of the tank commander of Jewish origin, Azerbaijan National Hero Albert Agarunov, who became Shehid during the First Karabakh War.
First, a grave of the National Hero Albert Agarunov in the Alley of Shehids (Martyrs) and a monument erected in the Narimanov district of Baku were visited, wreaths and flowers were laid. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed accompanied by a Military Orchestra.
The ceremony was attended by servicemen of the Ministry of Defense, employees of Narimanov District Executive Power, State Committee on Work with the Diaspora, members of the Baku Religious Community of Mountain Jews and Veteran Tankmen Public Union, family members and relatives of the Shehid (Martyr), comrades-in-arms and public figures. They spoke about Albert Agarunov's glorious life, combat path and shared their memories.
It was noted that A. Agarunov, who volunteered for the front as soon as hostilities began, died heroically on May 8, 1992 in the battles for the defense of Shusha.
Family members and relatives of the National Hero expressed gratitude to the people and state of Azerbaijan for always honoring the memory of the brave warrior. 

 ( Sos.şəbəkədə gedən yazışmanin FOTO-ƏKSİndə olan qramatik və məzmun səhvlərinə görə redaksiya məsuliyyət daşımır ) 
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