Elshan Karaja "Destination" +PHOTO=24
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The concept of space occupies one of the key places in the artist's creativity. His artworks create a visual meditation effect: thepresentation of several points of view and plot elements in different trajectories, and literally motivates the audience to "travel" on the surface of the work and help find their destination point. The canvas endows the monumental look and the works on canvas play the role of metaphorical window to another reality: the paintings change the point of view by giving the historical urban landscapes from a 3D prism. The thematic plan of the artworks is a poetic triad of "ship-city-monuments" and the nature of the cause-and-effect relations that unite them. The description of man has been removed from the artworks, but his invisible existence is obvious. The synthesis of historical cities, shipbuildings and monuments with technical innovations raises questions about the history, the location of the destination that man has reached and wants to reach as a result of progress, reminds that it is impossible to build a future without relying on historical roots. And with that, it offers a way outthrough the metaphorical iconography he has created by acting as an antagonist in the metamodern world.
The curator of the exhibition is Mahbara Abbasova.
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