Training-methodological sessions were held in the Engineering Troops (+PHOTO=3, +VİDEO)
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According to the plan approved by the Minister of Defense, training-methodological sessions were held to improve the knowledge and skills of officers of the engineer sections.
The sessions discussed the work carried out by the Engineering Troops to clear the liberated territories of mines and unexploded ordnance and improve the road infrastructure, as well as the duties of servicemen in the successful fulfillment of other tasks in this sphere.
According to the plan of classes, the military personnel was shown modern antimine protective sapper suits, mine detectors, as well as samples of non-explosive antipersonnel and anti-tank engineering obstacles. The training bases consisted of individual and mechanical mine detectors and the rules for their use were explained to the sappers.
The main objectives of the training-methodological sessions are to further improve officers’ practical skills in the engineering specialty.
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