An inspection of weapons and military equipment was held at the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest +PHOTO=5

An inspection of weapons and military equipment was held at the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest +PHOTO=5

An inspection of weapons and military equipment to be used at the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest, which will be held as part of the “International Army Games-2022” in Kazakhstan, was conducted.
Artillerymen representing Azerbaijan in the contest received weapons and combat equipment and began to work out the procedure for passing the stages of the contest.
The members of the Board of Referees got acquainted with the training field.
It should be noted that the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest will continue until August 24. 

 ( Sos.şəbəkədə gedən yazışmanin FOTO-ƏKSİndə olan qramatik və məzmun səhvlərinə görə redaksiya məsuliyyət daşımır ) 
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