Azerbaijan Army Units were subjected to artillery fire in the Kalbajar and Lachin directions

Azerbaijan Army Units were subjected to artillery fire in the Kalbajar and Lachin directions

On the night of September 13-14 and today in the morning, the Armenian armed forces once again violated the ceasefire agreement and subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in the directions of Kalbajar and Lachin regions using various calibers mortars and artillery pieces.
The Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in these directions are taking adequate retaliatory measures.
The Azerbaijan Army positions are being fired periodically. Necessary retaliatory measures are being taken by the units. 

 ( Sos.şəbəkədə gedən yazışmanin FOTO-ƏKSİndə olan qramatik və məzmun səhvlərinə görə redaksiya məsuliyyət daşımır ) 
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